KOT Activities week 47 !

15 Nov

Kongliga Orienterings Teknologerna KOT is a KTH student sport association organizing orienteering and running training on a weekly basis. For those of you who haven´t experienced KTH and training opportunities before, we are a team of curious and humble students that loves to train together rather than on our own.

Welcome back to a new week where we will arrange an outdoor orienteering activity on Thursday, and for Saturday we will be outdoor trying to set a good time at a new ~ 10 km trail that Karin and Arnau have marked.

We meet at 18.00 on Thursday outside KTH hallen. Remember to bring a headlight & compass if you have. We might have one or two lamps for borrowing. Please tell us on forehand if you need one. Things can be locked in in the changing rooms as always!

For Saturday, we have planned to do a timed trail race in the forest between Lappis and KTH. This will be great fun and will take place instead of the ”Club day” due to Corona. Details abount when we meet and where will be announced on HEJA / Whatsapp later on in the week.

Hope to see you soon!

/KOT Crew

Ett svar to “KOT Activities week 47 !”

  1. Shane P 17 november, 2020 den 13:57 #


    I’m interested in your orienteering club. Is it only for students or open to the public?


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